I'd like to explain something about my improvisational piano. Having NEVER played any musical instrument in my life, I sat down at a piano at a friend’s house and began 'touching' the keys. I quickly discovered that the black keys all sounded good together! I played around with that for a few minutes and thought it was cool. A few months later I was talking with a friend. I mentioned that to him. Something then prompted me to walk next door to the Ala Moana hotel in Honolulu, go to the second floor with my cassette recorder, sit down at their grand piano, and start 'playing' ... mostly black keys. I would venture onto the white keys at times and, having no idea what sound ANY key would produce, often heard discordant sound. Well, I would then do something like repeat that key, or something, to try to make it sound like my hitting that key had been intentional. All the time I kept my foot on the pedal that makes the sound ... I don't know the word... 'continue'? That first ever 'playing' and recording is in the last nine mp3s below. You'll hear the elevator and people around along with services doors (that were next to the piano) bang open as workers went through. You'll also hear some people comment (I don't know, but I liked to imagine that some were talking about my playing.
So that was that! A few days later I went back at about 3am and recorded for ninety minutes. That is the first two mp3s below.
So keep in mind that I had NO previous music playing experience. Consider, then, what is happening as I play: I'm listening to the sound each key makes and having no idea what the next key will sound like (unless I repeat the same key, which I did a lot) ... and so I'm just kind of going with some feeling ... actually I don't know how else to explain it.
I hope you find it interesting and maybe even enjoy it!
Rick Mace
Copyright © 1979 by Frederick Mace
piano 1 (45 minutes) | piano 2 (45 minutes) |
From 1 and 2 above but smaller pieces | From 1 and 2 above but smaller pieces |
From 1 and 2 above but smaller pieces | From 1 and 2 above but smaller pieces |
From 1 and 2 above but smaller pieces | From 1 and 2 above but smaller pieces |
From 1 and 2 above but smaller pieces | From 1 and 2 above but smaller pieces |
From 1 and 2 above but smaller pieces | From 1 and 2 above but smaller pieces |
From 1 and 2 above but smaller pieces | From 1 and 2 above but smaller pieces |
From 1 and 2 above but smaller pieces | From 1 and 2 above but smaller pieces |
From 1 and 2 above but smaller pieces | From 1 and 2 above but smaller pieces |
Other of my improv piano | Other of my improv piano |
Other of my improv piano | Other of my improv piano |
Other of my improv piano | Other of my improv piano |
Other of my improv piano | Other of my improv piano |
Other of my improv piano |
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