July 23rd, 2024 You can click the donate link above to open a page to Donate to my Carlos Castaneda compilation. Simply enter the amount of your donation. Sincerely, Rick I will send anyone who donates a link to a new compilation I've completed of Carlos Castaneda's writings, lectures, and talks. Included in that new compilation is the complete reading of it (five hours of audio). You MUST have this but I can't put it up as I have this up, so, well, I do appreciate the donations for my sending it to you!! You can donate safely with or without a Paypal account by clicking on this donate link. Thank you so very very much for your donation! |
1. The Teachings of don Juan
2. A Separate Reality
3. Journey to Ixtlan
4. Tales Of Power
5. The Second Ring of Powerr
6. The Eagle's Gift
7. The Fire From Within
8. The Power of Silence
9. The Art of Dreaming
12. The Active Side of Infinity
13. Appendix A thru E