Dialogue On The Way Of Knowledge - Part Vl
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I've added, what I'm calling, Dialogue on the Way of
Knowledge, to my site, Carlos Castaneda's don Juan's Teachings. It
began Mon, Jun 28th, 1999, when I received an E-mail from Michael. I
will use "M:" to begin his comments, R: to begin mine. This is part six of the dialogue. It continues where part V left off.
R: This report of the apprentice "pushing down" her husband has reminded me of something I've meant to inform you of:
R: It happened while in Japan, sleeping in the same room with my wife and daughter around 1994 or 1995. It was, perhaps, the strangest bit of dreaming I've ever done as it manifested as sound through my physical sleeping body. I was in a dream, in a room with my wife in the dream, and I was fully aware that I was dreaming and aware that my wife in the dream was unaware of my presence there in the dream with her. That is, again: I was doing volitional dreaming, I was in a room with my wife and she could not see or hear me. I decided to "intend" for her to hear me by voicing very very loudly the words, "I intend for you to hear me." I'd been reading during waking hours, The Art of Dreaming where it was recommended that one scream out one's intent in a dream. So, anyway, I attempted to say very very loudly "I intend." Upon doing that I was aware that something strange had just happened. I was still in the dream but I was aware of the fact that, I guess, I willed myself to vocalize through my physical body but without any muscle control over the mouth-tongue that would make speech intelligable and I heard it in the dream my "I intend" as a garbled "hhii-iinnhenn" ... just like "I intend" would sound if your tongue and lips did not move as you tried to say it.
R: Not realizing, at that point in the dream, that I'd actually forced that sound out of my sleeping body, I decided to add more power to it and say the whole thing, which I then did, shouting to my wife in the dream, "I intend for you to hear me" Well, this time a much louder sound came out of my physical body and it woke me up, and my wife and my daughter, and my daughter made kind of a scarred-child sound and my wife was afraid and I then started apologizing for scaring them and tried to explain that I'd just had a strange dream so that they would not think I was possessed or something as the sound I'd produced was not from "me." It was strange, to say the least, and I decided right then that that was the end of yelling my intent in dreams. I had actually, through my dreaming self, "pushed" a sound out of my physical body but employing only vocal cords and breath. Very very strange sound, but the full sentence, "I intend for you to hear me." She heard me all right, but it wasn't in the dream! "hhi (I) ihhenn (intend) hhurr (for) uuh (you) huu (to) hhirr (hear) heee (me)" in a strange LOUD DEEP voice.
M: My approach, in practice prior to the fact of 2nd - 3rd attention actions, was to "practice" the intensity of the command - without verbalization. This approach started in meditation. The result was that while my consciousness was still occupying my body, I could "clearly hear" my interactions with others, but with no physical artifact. In the 3rd attention, when the consciousness is NOT in the body, the same action results is a very powerful expression. The first time I was in the 3rd attention, and being tested by others in the consortium, I placed intense energy (way over-reaction) into the statement prompted by "the others" as my response. The result was the it seemed that the entire universe resonated very clearly - crisp clarity - with my "sound" which was only energy of communication. For a while, I used this "sound" as an indicator of how to modulate my energy, and for that matter, as confirmation that I was indeed within the 3rd attention. Since that time, I've learned how to "modulate" myself so that the energy required is more proportional to the circumstance. By the time of my clinical deaths, it was very proportional and soft in approach.
R: Well, to complete the set of the top three dreams I've had:
R: This third one (the first being the "muddy hole" dream) was around 1989-92. I woke up in the morning and the cat was on the bed, so I took the cat down stairs and put it outside on the front porch. It was dawn and a light humid rain was falling. I went back upstairs and got back into bed and was lying there suddenly aware that I'd not just done that, it had been a dream, we didn't have a cat. I got up to go in and check on my daughter in her room and when I returned to bed was struck by the 100% equalness of the two memories: taking the cat out, and going to check on my daughter. They both had the exact same realness in my memory; it was about two hours before dawn.
R: I just remembered a whole series of dreams I could group together as #4. Those were the ones I discribed before of holding onto another being while lying in bed "awake" and how it was just recently that I realized that the me that was holding onto the other was actually the dreaming me but at a point so close to the real me that for years I did not know the difference and for those years had actually "known" that I'd had my "real" head massaged by one of these beings and that I'd held one of these beings.
R: Sorry for getting off track, I intended to just relate the pushed out voice experience and ask what you make of that.
M: As you open more, there will be more discovery and again you will find with absent blocks and boundaries, it was "natural" all along.
M: Here is a file on commitment. Perhaps you might be interested in printing it out and keeping it in view as a reminder: "Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back: always ineffectiveness concerning all acts of initiative and creation. There is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one's favor all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance, which no man could have dreamt would have come his way. I have learned a deep respect for one of Goethe's couplets: 'Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.' W.H. Murray, 1951 The Scottish Himalayan Expedition."
R: I've believed that I was doing the right thing by doing the health approach my way based on the arguement of trusting that the body is doing what it needs to do to survive, therefore, cutting something away would actually be counter to the bodies best interest. But I've stopped talking about it to you as it seemed you were not willing to acknowledge that possibility in a way that would have it outweigh the knife.
M: The only real point that I've attempted to make is that since the matter is truly threatening, and that any time limits on your process might preclude "getting the evolutionary job completed", it seems logical if not impeccable to leave as little to chance as possible. The fact that the body in surface legions like you report, doesn't "see" the treat until the cell count simply explodes to the point where it overwhelms the immune system, tends to make the "body can do this" statement less effective. If it were "my body" at risk, I would simply employ every possible approach to maximize my time.
M: On the fact of my clinical death in June 1994, meaning on that occasion, I learned that my evolution had not achieved the level of my potential, or for that matter, the intent of the consortium, for me. The "peace" of pure being in the 3rd attention was mitigated by knowledge that my personal evolution had not yet been completed and that I could return to 1st attention life to "fix" the problems, so I returned with my existence again altered forever. I'm the first to admit that "the way" has not been simple for me because I had to unlearn so many of the human form dependencies that I had been hanging, clinging, onto.
R: One problem I'm having is that, with so much of the world opinion against me, I do worry that I may be dying. A few days ago, I got a slight sore throat and very mild caugh, the fear popped in "it has possibly spread to my lung."
R: One side of me is so confident. The other side sees and feels the physical and has doubt.
M: The 'ego' is the largest, and probably the most pervasive dependency that must be lost. From your own reports, you are in some conflict and in some struggle. Internal conflict, internal struggle, can never be impeccable. Never. The "world", or it's opinion, cannot be against you. It doesn't care.
R: I find your information about the consortium very encourageing.
M: The concept of the consortium is my own description of something very real. You have the opportunity to, essentially, become a member if you commit to doing so and develop the evolutionary attribute to cause to you be an effective member. There are significant responsibilities over my analogue of "level 3", and those are initially parts of the test process, then integrated as "real" responsibilities that knowledge, pure and true causes to be into being.
M: At that level of consciousness there is no agony, no conflict, no doubts. If loosing the human form represents "peace" in 1st attention life, one might imagine what adding the freedom of being as free energy might represent, added to that attribute set.
R: If I assume that level of consciousness to preclude agony, then how does desire fit in there? Would the "desire" to bring another forward in the group produce something like agony were it not successful?
M: As noted before, there are analogues of about 5 levels of consciousness once the eagle has been circumvented. Assuming that one; for example, experienced or "observed" those in "level 4 or 5" and knew that one had only achieved "level 2 or 3" there might be regret, but there is full acceptance since there is no choice. Full acceptance is not agony. If there were to be agony, it would be temporary because as one experienced agony, the human form would be invoked, and the energy would dissipate forever. BTW, there is NO "desire" to "fit in". That is a very human-centric view. The desire is only to evolve to the highest level possible. The meetings that I have experienced motivated me in "no way" to "fit in". The only motivation was to utilize their examples to "achieve" for myself. That is the only formulation by which anyone could be accepted as "equals" at any level, in any case.
R: I really don't want to keep beating this dead horse but I don't accept the premise that the body "doesn't know" what the "bad cancer" cells are up to until they bushwhack the body and it's too late.
M: You are relatively alone in that argument. There is a large amount of research data to support the statement. Ultimately, though, our decision processes are "alone" anyway, and this is no exception.
R: And I "know" that there is no evidence for that that cannot also be attributed to insufficient nourishment.
M: You are aware of data or information that I am not.
R: That is, the cell's build up and sudden invasion and overwhelming of the immune system as the result of a weak immune system. But that's too hard for the medical community to address ... too many variables so they leave it alone (for the most part) and go the easy road ... screw the diet, just cut the thing away and blast 'em with chemotherapy. Americans don't want to be told what to eat and drink, that's too much like work. Just take me to surgery and tell the nurse I want plenty of ice cream in the recovery room!
R: Say it isn't so.
M: No comment. It's your predisposition.
NOTE: please remember this line, as, an exchange follows in about two pages which I would insert here, but to do so would interrupt what is happening with this exchange so it will come later.
R: Perhaps I've been given to you by the consortium to show you this. If that be the case, then their 'agony' must be great as I've slipped a bit in "my way" ... been eating pizza with the kids lately knowing that it has sugar in it. Considering the gift that you have given me: this exchange -- the least I could do in return is to not deviate from what I believe.
M: It simply does not impact me. It simply does not impact "the consortium" per se. You have the opportunity to evolve and it's not appropriate for me to presume to understand what intensity or lack thereof may be required, when, or if, you truly evolve to a more advanced level. The impeccability for myself is wholly limited to interacting as a facilitator to the extent that you permit and accept and integrate into being as knowledge. The facilitator who says "I will show you the way" is a fraud, bound to the human form, since only each person can find the way for themselves. Even "if" your methodology fails, and your physical 1st attention life becomes severely threatened, you will learn many things. It's even inappropriate for me to presume to "know" what, or if, your time sequences may be as your own requirement for you to evolve. It's even possible that the failure of your methodology and accordingly your body, might be the catapult you need to rapidly advance. Everything that must be, will be.
R: Yesterday I was doing something while walking that I want to tell you about. But backing up to my last email of, what, has it been about 10 days? Anyway, since then I've been working on the compilation of your emails to me. I sorted them by paragraph alphabetically. That created an interesting randomness to the whole thing that I liked and reading it has been very good.
M: Great!
R: So, out of reading it, and back to my walking yesterday, I became very aware of all of the reactions I have to life as it flows. And I became aware of how easily I get into the automaticness of my reacting.
M: Also Great! From the randomness, you seem to have found a pattern!
R: So, I began to think of my reactions to the flow of life as though I could file the thoughts that came into my head. I was therefore looking newly at each thought and evaluating it as to what to do with it, filing wise.
M: It seems that although you "were always there" during the process, the retrospective was of real benefit to you!
R: It's amazing the nonsense thoughts that come to me but the fun thing was to notice them and catagorize them saying things to myself about the noticed thoughts like: file that thought under "to tell Michael" followed by the command to myself, "done" and if the thought would re occur I'd note it as already handled (by way of a decided upon intention) and drop it. The end result of the process of doing that with the thoughts was that I was no longer annoyed by the thoughts, first of all, and second, I found myself much more able to be as without thoughts as I've ever gotten. So it was good.
M: Sometimes it us very useful to deal with these matters of self-development in this manner because one can learn what is "closed" and still what is open. Sometimes if we don't get that "down" in a way that we can reflect on and understand, keeping it only in active minds, just increases the mind noise because there are reflections on issues that no longer require reflection, and these can become tangled up with the open items, causing something like a jumble.
R: Telling you now reminds me to work on the same even while in the house.
M: Great!
R: On at least one other occasion, I have experienced a "click" sound/feeling in my head. The first time was around 1976 to 1981. I was with a friend who wanted me to join her religion and we were chanting her religion's chant. At that time I was firmly into CC books/way and had no interest in her church whatsoever but rather liked the sound of chanting in myself. Well, one day with her, and I don't recall why, I said outloud "I'm not going to do this chanting stuff" and in that instant heard/felt a quite loud click in my head. I've always remembered that, obviously, and along with it has always been the notion that I had no clue as to what the click "meant" ... it was just a click. Not a "oh, that's right," click, or "oh, that's wrong" click, just a click. I mention it because it just happened again, lightly, the instant I read the word "predisposition," from, "R: Say it isn't so. M:" No comment. It's your predisposition."
M: It's observed that you are increasingly working on your own integration! Part of this is recapitulation, and still more is understanding the significance of the recapitulation.
NOTE: Now begins the introduction of a few more people to Michael.
R: Hi Michael,
R: As you know, I don't usually forward Castaneda related email, but I though this one for you. Let me know if you won't be contacting him and I will reply to him with something like. "Thanks for the note, nice thoughts. Rick"
R: **I've been thinking about the email I forwarded to you. I have a sense of excitement about that as the person struck me as no one before has. And it has given me a bit of a thrill to think that perhaps I have been instrumental in finding "one," who sounds to me to be more like what you'd, by your second writing to me in the beginning, thought me to be. Of course, I don't know what you will do with this one, ... but I just wanted to tell you that I had this feeling about this person.
M: At your (edited) suggestion forwarded below, the decision was made to respond to Bob - by way of copying your file and responding to (not through) you with a copy to Bob.
M: Rick - you ARE what you are, and you are unconditionally accepted.
M: Now, it is time to alter my closing to you.
M: Peace, and love
M: Michael
M: Bob, Rick has chosen to forward your e/mail to me, which is not the normal pattern of my relationship with Rick. That means, in impact and through implication, that Rick perceives your grasp of "the way of knowledge" is sufficiently evolved that he is interested in facilitating other comments for your perusal, hence he copied your file and forwarded it here.
M: Bob, The manner of this "reply" is to insert comments "within" your text, which takes on the form of a "virtual dialogue". The "comments" inserted are prefixed with "M:" for highlight, B: for your pieces, and R: for Rick's.
M: By way of introduction, my name is "Michael", in the simplified form, and comments are inserted.
M: Rick, sometimes you are the master of implied statements, and this one is no exception. Sometimes with simplified statements, you imply oceans of intent, and this "request", in the pre-edited form (for our privacy), is an example. Obviously, the decision has been made to respond.
B: Subject: Don Juan. Rick, I love your site, I have read all the books except The Art of Dreaming. I have read them each 3 times. I am still reading them. I read the books every day and I have been drawing out the information which you seem to have provided here ... but continually reading the books is making an atmosphere gather around me ... probably the books are entering the landscape around my body ( imprinted on my aura) or I am getting closer to them on the astral plain.
M: As one opens conceptually, then in actions, to the "power of the universe", everything in one's vision, understanding, and knowledge base, becomes altered. It is always "difficult" and even perhaps tenuous to use the term "power" because of the manner in which normal society utilizes that term. A far better, and less-specific, term might be "attributes" or "abilities". Every human who exists in the simple organic form, carries within themselves their own versions of "realities". Most contain those realities within the very narrow framework of "the human form", which at best is a very limited understanding. Often this understanding is information-based, and not "knowledge-based". Information, per se, is just a sequence of details and facts, and "knowledge" results when information become integrated into self and utilized to gain experience.
M: The "way of knowledge" is just that: pure knowledge; not infiltrated by the human form.
M: DJM, through CC's rattling caused by his own human form dependencies and obfuscations, attempted to convey information that "could be" converted into knowledge. From your e/mail to Rick, you are on the threshold of potentially having that transition (at least as a possibility), and ultimately this causes a transformation of self.
M: An candidate apprentice, last evening when we were together, inquired "how long does this take?". The correct response is: the rest of your life; and, beyond the human form. The vigilance of intent continues throughout the third attention. After some level of success at evolution, the energy of intent becomes a constant and auto-reflexive, and no effort is required.
M: Bob, what is beginning to evolve for you is that you are connecting by opening yourself to other fields, energy and forces that are ubiquitous throughout the universe. You are "not" having your landscape "entered" in this manner. What is happening is that you are extending yourself, and the "landscape" is imprinting itself upon, in, and through, you. It is more accurate when you said that you "are getting closer to them on the astral plane" - because by extending yourself, perceiving all around you, the plane is connecting to you.
B: Never the less I have had very grate results in stopping my internal dialogue, and in getting rid of self importance. It is having very strange consequences though ... when I talk with other people I still my voice and I hear everything that they say, but THEY are almost like they are looking INSIDE themselves instead of looking at me. By the way they are exactly like they always have been, its just I am no longer looking in the mirror.
M: The definitions and applications of what "self-importance" really means will be an active, and sometimes difficult and troubling inquiry within you for a long time. Your observations made in the statement above, through, are accurate. "They" are stuck in the human form of self: an internalized "safe" cocoon that few really manage to escape. As one approaches loosing the human form and it's tenacious dependencies upon which most rely upon for their own versions of realities, the discovery that you have made is quite normal, and this realization is indicative of the early phase of your transition.
B: They still are. It is frightening to realize that I do not know anyone who is living in reality, in the moment, outside of their heads. You realize that what the voice in your head is, it is the ego.
M: Would that it could be that simple: it is more tangled than that in process. The perception that you have indicated "it is frightening" is also a very normal response, because it implies no dependencies on others and this suggests that a pervasive feeling of "loneliness" can become invasive. The perception of "isolation" or "loneliness" is a transitional segment of the process of evolution on "the way of knowledge". When one wholly opens and connects to "all" of the universe, one can never be lonely again because one becomes connected and interactive with "all". What is, or can be, overwhelming is the responsibilities that come with this: nothing is unearned; and, responsibility is the price.
B: I have moved my assemblage point to the sight of no pity. I know this because I exhibit all the characteristics described ... except I can not see.
M: The suggestion is made that caution is required. Moving to the "no pity" (using your words) state is only a component of the evolution, although it is a very important component because "pity" is a major element of the human form. Since all pity starts with self-pity, and is by itself an isolation "ego-me" statement, loosing that causes a temblor of self because one can seek to "replace it" in some substitutional manner. Contemplate this: who are you?; what are you now?; what do you wish to evolve to be?. From perception, there is concern that your self definitions are frail and tenuous.
B: Now I can see the future a lot, I can see into peoples houses over the phone and tell what they are wearing, but I can not see the Lines of Force. I have seen that I am the object I am looking at though.
M: Place emphasis on "perceiving", feeling the flow of information, energy, and gathering knowledge through "perception", and importantly: look beyond the object of yourself because yourself is a block.
B: Do you have any insight into the mechanics of seeing. I have some methods I have found particularly expeditious in shutting off the ego. I can also read peoples minds. Now I could do this before I realized WHY you have to get rid of the ego. You can get psychic with a full blown ego, while you are still asleep, but then it is a dangerous trap.
M: Contemplate deeply the sub-sets of the above paragraph. Be very careful in "shutting off the ego" because "the ego" forms such a huge base within the human form, that simply "shutting it off" can lead to a void, and voids can lead to dependencies that reinforce, not vacate, the human form. If you are not ego-based, who/what are you?
B: I have realized lately that this life ... in 120 years EVERYONE on this planet today, will be dead. You, Me.
M: It is only accurate to observe that our bodies will change state from living organic processes to other processes, organic or not. The energy of the subatomic structures that make your body, never dies - never, but they do change state at the macro-assembly level.
B: And so what we do doesn't really matter at all.
M: Not true. Every decision you make, every action to take, has a consequence. Every action/decision you do NOT make: has a consequence. The true question is to understand that the primary responsibility to yourself is, simply, to facilitate your own evolution.
B: In fact the ONLY worthwhile endeavor is to die with consciousness and awareness intact. That�s what they say in Buddhism, and that�s what they say in Carlos Castaneda's. And I can tell its true.
M: Accordingly, everything you do to facilitate this result, you do now in life, so what you do - has a consequence that is profound and what you do rather than "not mattering", is just the opposite.
B: After all we wouldn't be trying to make our lives better, if they didn't suck. And why come back here time after time after time. To be free of reincarnation is the only true thing of value to pursue.
M: Insofar as can be determined, there is no reincarnation, however, memories stored with the DNA structure that caused us to become organic, would lead one to believe that. The key words in this piece above, is "to be free". Free of what? Our lives most certainly do "not" suck. That is a human form ego statement, and the statement of a victim, which is also the confined human form reference. If you truly think that your life "sucks" then you are contained within the human form and that blocks evolution. You have one opportunity to circumvent "the eagle" metaphor, and that opportunity is wonderful and held within your life. How can it be even vaguely suggestive that this life, or any other, "sucks" since it provides the one opportunity to evolve - carrying "your now" into forever?!
M: Since Rick facilitated this response, please copy him on any response to me.
M: Peace
M: Michael
B: I have another matter I would like to bring up. Two years ago, maybe 3, I decided that, if we have a guardian angel I wanted direct communication with mine (I don't believe in guardian angels anymore, only the intervention with spirit) at any rate ... I began to ask my Guardian to communicate with me. I did this every day for 3 months , when I was rewarded with a sort of electric shock (that�s what it feels like) that entered in the bottom of my feet, and travelled up through my body, up and down 3 times, and then gone. This went on for several weeks, when one day the entity initiated contact without my request. Now Guardian pops in on its own, usually to "underline" something that is happening, or something I have read, or sometimes when I am very happy, and then also it seems to soothe me when I am sad. After reading several of CC's books I have begun to believe this being is an ally. It usually helps me when I am trying to do a psychic reading to help someone ( I did those for a while ) and would tell me things. I it doesn't tell me things with words, just when it is in me I have a greater ability to see. I do not believe this is kuddalini.
M: What religions call "guardian angels" are really the same as "allies". What simply happened when you made your requests, you extended some of your energy/life fields at the same time as a matter of your request. This, combined with your studied background, identified you as a "candidate" apprentice that could be engaged. The result was that the sentient energy of the "ally" connected (connects) with you.
M: This, though, is still a test. There is a consortium of "allies" (for lack of a better term for now) that are all connected to the field/forces/energy of the universe. As you progress, it is anticipated that more will connect with you as you are ready: one step at a time.
B: I asked it one time to reveal itself to me, and briefly I saw a swirling mass, looking much like smoke or heat waves, a sort of sphere, about 18 feet across inside ( and through the wall) of my house. It responds to the name Guardian, and that seems to fit. Yet I don't know how to benefit from its help exactly ... though that may sound like I am ignorant.
M: When you are connected/conjoined with this sentient field, attempt to go into as deep of a form and state of meditation as you might be able. Initially, you will "feel/perceive" some emotional states and also some pressures/forces and energy points upon your body and your own cocoon. One at a time, carefully, slowly, place your focus on each perception, on each point, as if you were investigating/interrogating each for a "message" that would be held within these perceptions. There may be several of these in successional sequence. Attempt to find the ability to feel profound love as you conjoin with your ally and the field exchange will become more intense.
B: I have been experiencing a growing and profound since of loneliness. I first started reading CC when I was 21. I had devised a way of making myself conscious during my dreams ( I have invented the wheel many times and after about a week I told a fellow art student about it and he told me about the books by Carlos. That was in 1972. I stopped my studies, however, when one day I noticed that I had lost my ability to distinguish between the esthetic qualities of a shirt, and a painting. They were the same. I knew I could not make art under those conditions. I did, however, continue to strengthen my connection with spirit ( though I didn't know that was what I was doing) ever since. And the I came down Ill for a year, spent that year meditating, was disembodied one day while meditating.
M: The loneliness that you are or have experienced is an artifact of the human form. Although this might seem strange at first, loneliness is a form of self-isolation that is a subtle dependency based on ego. When the human form is truly lost, the cocoon of energy that represents all of what an individual has evolved to be, becomes continually connected to the energy/field of the universe and the sentient consciousness that exists throughout the universe. At that point, the self-isolation that causes loneliness drops away, and a whole transformation occurs as one "bonds" with not only the universe, but the sentience within it. Although the depth of this might only be fully understood as one travels in and through the limitless third attention, meeting and conjoining with others of the consortium, it is still possible to accomplish the feat of universal connection while still in the first attention as a parallel reality that forms in conjunction with all other realities to form a whole.
B: At any rate that is enough of my personal history. Rick, I am studying your notes on THE ART OF DREAMING and find them to clear up many facts that are not so clear in the other books. I was able to lucid dream for a year, then for some reason it stopped. I never did know what to do with it at the time anyway. Spent most of my time flying and having sex. A true waste.
M: Not so much a waste, but evidence of dependency. The chemical changes in the body that sex causes can be addictive and from that understanding, it is simply an addictive dependency. This is not to connote that sex is not acceptable. Just like any other physical and emotional endeavor, the question is if it forms obsessive dependencies, and that is the subject of anyone's individual understanding of impeccability for self. There is another construct to examine in sex: the interaction with the other person. If sex is seen as a mechanism for personal control, then it is evidence of issues of ego and self esteem. The "way of knowledge" to cause "freedom" requires the highest possible form of self-esteem, because in that state, there are no dependencies required.
B: Ignorance is not a good thing. I have taken to turning the inner voice off at times, and letting it run at other times, but it seems to be a key ingredient in all of the writings.
M: Most individuals as candidates to evolve, sometimes get hung up on thinking rather than allowing knowledge to flow as derived from perception.
B: Can you see the lines of force ... can you see the luminous egg.
M: Yes, and yes. Of myself, of others, organic or of pure being - inorganic.
B: I find no reference to this anywhere but in CC's writings, because I do not think he is talking about the aura. I think what he is talking about runs MUCH deeper.
M: There are references, however I don't remember exactly where and in what book. You are correct, though, it is more advanced than simply seeing aura.
B: It reminds me of MATRIX.
M: Many elements of "Matrix" seemed to draw on the concepts noted by Juan Matus as reported by Carlos. The essential point of "Matrix" is that realities can be manipulated.
M: Every human being that exists in the human form, exists in their own version of reality. From this it is simple to conclude that every human forms an alternate reality to every other human. For those as seekers, recognition of this conclusion is a gateway to understand that other realities can be constructed both in parallel and as alternate states of being.
B: I wanted to write you back, and I apologize for rambling. Your help is appreciated ... MUCH. Bob
M: You're welcome.
Next e/mail follows.
B: One other thing. It was months ago I started studying CC again. It was then that I came up with a method using perception and extreme attention to what I was perceiving to shut off my inner voice.
M: Great! On the right track!
B: A few months into it ... It was as if a new part of myself , my subconscious ( or right side of the brain started taking an active part in running my life.
M: It's probably more accurate to say that it started "contributing" to your life, and it's decision processes. This is also seen as a contribution of what you call "spirit"!
B: I had been dating an alcoholic for 10 years, and though I had broken up with her twice, it had not taken. Then out of the blue I knew what to say to make her leave ... and I couldn't help doing it, it was like a compulsion. One other time, a month ago, I was looking at a sculpture ( 40 pounds of wood) hanging on the wall ... then I was standing there and my hands hurt like hell and the sculpture was on the floor. The sculpture had fallen off the wall and somehow without even knowing it I hit it with my hands and kept it from smashing into my face and onto my feet. I have never had reactions like that.
M: These are common, and frequently found, when one crosses through the evolutionary process that you had at the time. If you can not regress, they will continue to contribute to your existence and accordingly, form a more solid foundation for your continued evolution. (Congratulations: one more path was crossed.)
B: I think the inner voice keeps the right side of the brain from being able to take part in our lives very much. Bob
M: Certainly the rattle does. Please don't simply assume, though, that this is limited to the left or right side of the brain. Fully integrated, it is formed as whole "knowledge" throughout "being", all of it.
Next e/mail follows.
B: Michael, you said, "Be very careful in "shutting off the ego" because "the ego" forms such a huge base within the human form, that simply "shutting it off" can lead to a void, and voids can lead to dependencies that reinforce, not vacate, the human form. If you are not ego-based, who/what are you?" ....... I have discovered, quit a long time ago, but even more so lately, that I am more of a quiet presence that WATCHES my ego. I had an experience a few months ago where I was meditating and it came to me, that I was not my body. I know that should sound obvious but I really hadn't thought about it.
M: It's fascinating that it takes most so very long to discover this. Most humans look at their bodies, or any segment of it, and rather than conclude "this is only an artifact and utility, not me", they somehow assume that the body IS themselves. Fascinating. Most don't seem to discover this reality - ever - Eagle food!
B: I also went through the fact that I wasn't my brain, that I wasn't even my Mind, and that I wasn't the voice playing inside my head. I was left with a sort of nothingness that was basically aware of all of this but not " active". It was later that night that I was actually conscious all night, even when my body was asleep. I wasn't aware of this phenomena until the next day when I realized my consciousness had not lost its continuity through the night, though I had been totally asleep and my inner voice asleep as well. I have not been able to duplicate that experience. The sleeping and being conscious I mean ... or rather aware. I'm getting bogged down in words.
M: It's okay as stated. Simply put, you came to the realization that you were more than any of these limiting terms: congratulations.
B: I have always been a pack rat and collected things. August 98, suddenly things did not matter to me. They became a sort of burden. I didn't want them any more. I had also collected a huge debt, so I started ( and am in the process of selling all of my possessions, and paying off the debt. This was my first impulse to be "free".
M: Money, per se, and "possessions" don't really enter profoundly into the "way of freedom/knowledge" - PROVIDED - that they are not significant distractions. There is a shallow statement in the bible that a rich man cannot enter heaven. What this should really say, that a person dependent on the gathering of wealth, will be obsessed and controlled by that obsession, and accordingly as like with any dependency, cannot evolve into a state of "free being" as energy in the third attention.
B: For one thing I wanted to leave where I am now. I wanted to quit my job ( my petty tyrant) but with the money I owed the only way was to go chapter 13 which I do not accept as an option at this time) This desire to be "free" started spreading though into my spiritual life.
M: It's difficult, as a matter of expression, to truly engage the way of knowledge to freedom, with dependencies and distractions that are large enough to divert most of one's energy. In my case, petty tyrants were welcomed because they gave me impetus of how to loose the human form. Now these can be faced without energy diversion.
B: I have wanted also to be psychic since I was 12. So I have worked towards that goal, however along the way, it stopped being a goal, and of course, then things started happening. I work for the department of Human services ( welfare office ) and they stationed me at a clinic. I found myself with a TON of free time because there really was no one to interview there, so I started reading ... I was looking at some books and ran across CC and he seemed appropriate. This was last may. Like I told you before I have been working on metaphysics and meditation for 28 years, but this time there was greater meaning that when I had read Castaneda's when I was 21. And I have always been pragmatic so I read him to DO what he instructed, not just for the narrative. And my desire for freedom grew.
M: It would be reasonable to conclude that 'you are on your way' in your own evolutionary path. You might enjoy Depak Chopra's book "The Way of the Wizard", and Taisha Abelar's book, "The Sorcerer's Crossing".
B: I know I am not a victim, that I have chosen every element in my life ... and I stay at this job because at the moment it serves its purpose, and it also tempers my spirit. Bob
M: Excellent. This can all be used as a tool for evolution. All "structure" of first-attention life can become "petty tyrants" in various forms. As noted, evidence of progress in loosing the human form can be yielded by the reactions caused when dealing with petty tyrants.
B: This morning before I got out of bed I knew your letter would be on my computer, however my "common sense" convinced me it wouldnt be there because you'd said you would be out of town. So I was half surprised and half not surprised to find an E-mail from you when I turned on my machine.
M: Someday, although it's certain that you understand this now, your "perceptional sense" will be "at one and at peace" with your "common human-form sense," fully integrated.
B: Thank you for the letter and all the information. As of the moment I do not mind Rick seeing my e mails.
M: You're welcome. Rick was, and is, a facilitator and these exchanges provide another vector for his understanding. The dialogue/exchange between Rick and self has been significant and often profound. The limitations of this dialogue, however, have been based on Rick's profile. Adding another "profile" to his observational vantage point, will be of assistance for Rick's development so for myself, it (to the extent that it can be and still comply with your individual profile) it's efficient because two purposes are being engaged with the same amount of effort.
B: While I was reading your E-mail, "Guardian" started running through my body ... it was interesting when you talked about feeling love ... I do that often with Guardian and when I do, it comes into me very strongly, and swirls around in my chest most obviously, and at these times, he seems like the way A Porpous seems to look on TV when it is interacting with people. I don't mean it is a porpous of course..thats a similie..the best way I can explain it, the playfulness, and the intellegence. I REALLY appreciate what you have told me about the allies.
M: In the third attention, there is no gender since that is a organically based need. You might be interested to know, though, that "your Guardian" was once organically female. It would be interesting for you to place yourself out into the warm sun, as naked and private as you dare, comfortably lie down and outstretch your extremities, meditate and in the best of peace that you can develop, feel "love" as broadly and unconditional as possible. In conjunction with the warmth and energy of the sun and it's saturation into you, through you, allow yourself to "project" your feeling of "love" I n t o the direction of the sun's fields. It will be an experience and though that experience there is much to learn. This "learning" will occur in the bridge between the first and second attention, then in the second attention (where you will be tested for your frailties) and everything gained in the second attention will be fully brought with you into the first attention. Will full acceptance of the experience, although there may be turmoil in the learning processes, it can become seamless between the attentions.
B: To put it plainly, most people hide their emothions and feelings, from others and themselves ... I have done the same often..for you I have these feelings of Respect, thats the best way I can put it, I can feel how much you know ... I knew you could see the luminous egg and the lines of force, but I wanted to know concretely and so I asked ... that way I knew I wasn't just constructing you with my own thoughts. The moment I opened your first letter I felt you were a Nagual.
M: Labels and terms are convenient and useful in early phases of development and evolution. Beyond that, though, they become descriptions and descriptions can have an unfortunate tendency to become boundaries. My introduction is very, and accurately, simple: I am only myself.
M: Rick in his own manner and style has begun to learn what this implies and in time he will continue to discover the magnitude "for" himself, as you will. By exploration through these dialogues your own basis of understanding may be expanded and as this occurs you will, as you probe your own attribute-set of knowledge, also probe and discover more about the universe and it's energy, fields, and forces that embrace and enhance the coherent sentient consciousness of the universe both in the characteristics of individuals of "free being" (those who have fully evolved) a n d in terms of the consortiums that they represent. As others evolve, the amount of consciousness that is free and coherent to conjoin in the consortium becomes increased, so facilitation is appropriate and this validates the concept that nothing is altruistic.
M: As you probe and open yourself to gather information that may be (based on your own impeccability, intent and will) become integrated as experience and hence into knowledge, there will be no need or dependency whatever on "labels" since they eventually become known to be irrelevant and only a symptom of human form limitation to compartmentalize what in fact, cannot be.
B: Thanks for everything, will write later . Bob
M: You're welcome.
M: Peace
M: Michael
M: Peace is a continual state of being. Rick might choose to make an edited file of his discovery that he recently had relative to those who have lost the human form, and transmit it to you.
B: This morning while working outside ... the sound, very distinct, like someone whirling a 10 foot or so section of rope, came out of my back yard from my left, about 15 feet up in the air, passed about 8 feet behind me, circled around by my right side wherein I looked up to see it, and there was nothing visual there, and then went straight out into the woods and disappeared. It did not affect the leaves in the trees, but most definitely disappeared into the distance. It was a sound outside of my head completely.
M: Allies have a way of performing "tests" upon candidates. These tests tend to become more rigorous as the apprentice/candidate develops. As an apprentice evolves, the tests are commensurate with "ability" of the candidate, with some proportionality to that ability, however sometimes the "tests" exceed the candidates' expectations just to make the candidate "reach" a bit beyond his/her level. This "test" was rather benign, seemingly intended to get your attention and determine your response.
B: When I shut off my inner voice, 3 things happen. I begin to feel a bit heavy. Then my breathing stops completely for a moment, and then shifts to very much deeper, like doing yoga breathing exercises. And then my stomach, between my navel and my sternum begins to feel hard (not to the touch) and it feels as if it is trying to push its way out of me. In fact it does feel as if it is immerging from me (my solar plexus).
M: Better to relax, and simply accept what is happening. In 'the sun', scan carefully your body to learn if there are any stored memory blocks that may impede energy.
B: I will start on the sun exercises tomorrow, this type of feedback is very much needed . Since I own 2 acres of woods I am able to find private places.
M: Great! My version is my own backyard, or a resort in (snip) that we frequent.
B: I have come to the conclusion , however, that my land and home is built on a power spot, and that it has, in a very real since, snared me. It has only been recently that I have had the desire to leave this place, and though I do not know if I will, I have stated preparing to leave. I feel that within the next two years I will be relocating ... this is I hope intuition rather than my own desires.
M: Be cautious. The exploration that you are beginning might inform otherwise. Sometimes it is necessary to be blown out of our "comfort zones" to make catapulting progress, but this does not seem to be the situation for you at least right now. Allow probes of perception to provide knowledge, as a suggestion.
B: I do plan on keeping my property, as I feel a strong bond with it, and will return here often, and most likely to die, physically or not. In fact this place that I own now, I saw in a dream the night before I found and bought it. That was in 1976.
M: It is very possible that you feel the way you do at this time simply because you haven't penetrated boundaries that you carry, and once this occurs through recapitulation and peace, you might want to stay there. There could be many purposes for the property, other than to guide you.
B: I briefly read over your letter, which is what I do, read them once quickly then go back to them 3 or 4 times. I felt a connection with you also.
M: The connection, once started, may vary in intensity but it can only dissolve on your intent.
B: Oh yes one more thing I wanted to mention. For some time now I have seen a white halo around things when I look at them while silent inside. It is about 8 to 12 inches around people, and much more so around trees. Is this perhaps a preliminary to seeing. After a while I started paying no attention to it because I thought it was of no value to me. Now I think I was mistaken and that I should go ahead with looking at it. I do have a great desire to see.
M: Yes. Study. See. The "white" coloration is one of the lowest energy forms, and that you perceive it in trees/plants and it's similar to that you perceive around humans, then it provides an indication of what the energy level of "most" of the humans you see really is. Many, if not most, barely exist at this level. Some don't even have that much field. When you see a being that is truly energetic, you'll know. The CC/DJM description about the brilliant gold isn't quite accurate, though it's close. I'd provide a more detailed description, but I don't want to influence your objectivity, so that when you "really" see something important, you'll be able to render a description on your own.
B: Peace be With You Michael (and Rick) Bob
M: Thank you. Peace is a continual state of being. Rick might choose to make an edited file of his discovery that he recently had relative to those who have lost the human form, and transmit it to you.
M: Peace
M: Michael
R: Hello Michael,
R: After reading your email, I was thinking that your emails brought out a sense similar to one I remember having after ... candy: The thought that, "This is so good that we should do it every day." It's like I should just keep asking you stuff because no matter what the question, the answers will be so useful. Even though my "why did you switch to 'love'" didn't get the seven page answer I was hoping for ...
M: Couple of items come to mind quickly. First, re ...candy: the process serves as a high and important example of how easily we can be distracted from "a path" or a process. It's really just a matter of being obsessive over something else, and that this something else blocks out what we otherwise know would bring a better balance to ourselves. You bring up a very good example in this because it highlights the intensity of distractions and how self-defeating they can be. The ultimate result is in these imbalances, is failure in many things, with the possible exception of what the obsession/distraction was about as a focus.
M: Regarding the lack of the "seven" page metaphoric e/mail that you indicate you wanted, the process and fact of being able to love is really simple, since it is only a reflection of oneself. The concept, of course, is foreign to almost everyone other than those who may be able to achieve it. It is recognized, though, that although the concept is simple once the human form is lost, it takes many self-directed actions (demonstrating intent) to evolve to that point. Because it is very useful for one to consider through contemplation and thought processes these ideas, sometimes "seven pages" would only serve as a diversion, not assistance.
M: Think about this: What would it take for you to be able to love yourself unconditionally? What would it take for you to be able to love another unconditionally? If you were able to accomplish this state of being, what would it feel like? What would be it's significance?
M: Now, also about the "seven" missing pages: You seem to be stuck in the concept that YOU had to do something to provide impetus for ME to make the change in the closing.
M: Contemplate your list of answers to the above questions, then review the comment above.
R: Having Bob's emails has added an interesting twist to our exchanges. It reminds me of reading CC books in that I'm reading about another's second attention experiences, but with the added realness that you add to it.
M: Oh yes. It is very real --- and this time you can directly participate with the other participants.
R: I wish I "got" that better, how I can participate with you both, that is. ... well, I suppose that I could ask Bob questions, like, "If you 'see' a plant-being-thing, in one plant, does that make you want to find the other plant 'guys?' I know that when I 'do' a color, it makes me wonder why I can't 'do' purple or blue. I would love to know the taste/smell ... whatever it is ... sense ... of purple and blue, as, the colors I can 'do' are so satisfying to 'do.' ... Ah, red, ... pink is my favorite and just now writing it I 'did' pink ... what an instantanious, though momentary, joy.
M: Simply by observing this/these interchanges, you learn and learning is participating. In our previous dialogues, it was only focused on you but now you may be able to find applicability TO you in the exchanges with another, and if you need to fill in something, there is access. Perhaps perceiving, with quiet meditation, and less analysis would help.
R: A couple of days ago I was thinking of Bob's request to the spirit (I'm calling it). So as I walked I made a request. I said something to the effect of "okay guys (speaking to the spirit) I intend for my assemblage point to shift into the second attention. Come on, I'm ready, I won't lose it. I promise, I won't freak out. I will keep the ol' internal dialogue off." I said, "remember the temptation dream and how when I heard the voice in each ear I knew to stop talking to myself and then I flipped over and entered the presents of the two guys who then said that they were surprised that I'd made it to them? COME ON, BRING IT ON!!!" ...
M: Impatience is "noise" by itself (grin). If you can intend and find the flow (the "glow" in the previous e/mail) you will eventually, in effect, set yourself up for the occurrences and experiences (and knowledge) that you with. Part of that commit has to be not only what you've stated above, BUT that you will ALSO "simply accept" the experiences and NOT go into self-denial AFTER they have happened. Without that commit, there would be no point in an ally working with you.
R: Why did you say that it was time to change your ending; "peace," to, "love?" Actually, this is not my kind of question. Yet I find myself asking it.
M: You can perceive it by yourself, should you decide to "just open to the flow".
R: How does one decide such things? Isn't that exactly what I just wrote about, ending with "COME ON, BRING IT ON!!!"
M: In effect, in a few paragraphs above, there are a sequence of questions for you. Please pick those separately out and quietly work on the requested responses.
R: I suppose it to be because I told you about Bob, but then that doesn't quit make sense to me as ...
M: Correct. That would make no sense at all, then or now or anytime.
R: Why? I thought that perhaps is showed an unselfishness that, to me, was not new (and my next "R:" was written in that sense.), but that perhaps you'd not seen in me before. ...
M: Ah, be careful with your feelings. Selfishness is good! There is no such thing as altruism! Please think about that in conjunction with the other questions above.
R: ... I didn't see that as any kind of change I'd made in who I am being in life and I assumed that your change from peace to love required a change in me.
M: Probably it's best if you continue to explore this within yourself for now.
R: I would still like a clue as to where to start the exploration.
M: Attempting to, in the above ...
M: As you release yourself into the flow of energy, unconditionally with the universe, things in every manner will only improve for you.
R: You know, I honestly don't understand why I've not been shown the second attention while awake. I am ready. ... Perhaps it's because it doesn't make any difference and what does make a difference is doing what I know to do and have not fully done in the first attention, in the first place.
M: You are closer than you might believe. When this occurs, it'll be a step-function response, and the commit to accept is paramount.
R: I have noticed a physical change in the original mole. It appears to be drying up and getting smaller. I have the sense that it is leaving me. It no longer looks exactly like the UC Davis tutorial picture as it once did. All the red area has changed to one forth the size and is skin color again while the accompaining mole seems smaller. I've also decided to put extra effort into exercising my shoulder back to where I can use it normally. Now, I can't raise my right elbow even to shoulder height nor put my right hand into my left shirt pocket. But there seems to be much more spontanious breathing deeply going on in me ... as I continue with my all natural food as previously described ... the 26th will mark 9 months.
NOTE to readers: This part of the dialogues was obvioulsy nine months after 2-26-99, when I discovered the UC Davis web site and learned that I had melanoma. I am now editing this to be part Vl of the posted dialogues with Michael and it is Aug 13 2000 and my right arm is 99.9% fully functional again!
M: Really good news! As you release yourself into the flow of energy, unconditionally with the universe, things in every manner will only improve for you.
R: Funny, I was just, and spontaneously, going to write "love" rick, but then, before my finger hit the "L" I became uncomfortable with it. Perhaps I think too much. (dauuuu!) Love Rick
M: Ah, yes, another "test" (in the form of exploration) of self!
R: I remember now. That doesn't work unless I love myself unconditionally first. I'd better contemplate that before I try it again. Thank you Micheal - Rick
M: Good! Yes! The problem is, of course, that as a term, "love" is probably high on the list hypocritically in society since usually it's used as a tool of emotional barter, or simple social pretense. As you understand "how" love may become unconditional, your understanding of "the way of knowledge" will also open. Because of the need for impeccability, these understandings must be substantially "in place" before one can truly say "love" to another, and you are encouraged to learn and understand the direct and nuances of this before using the term.
R: I'm listening.
R: Thank you, Michael Rick
M: You're listening, and getting better at it.
M: Love
M: Michael
Bob: You amaze me with your insight, and also from the start you have been answering some of the questions that I have not asked. Now you do it again. I wanted to know, and I didnt want to know ... partly because I felt in a way I should not ask you about your personal history, partly because I didnt know if you wanted to reveal these things at this time.
M: Those who have lost, or are close to loosing, the human form have no need for protections ...
B: and partly because I wanted you to remain an unknown. Now I am ready however to know.
M: Ah, yes, the sense of intrigue can cause a fascination. If the truth were fully delineated, it might not even seem credible. Fully opened, it is a very long story with many-many facets.
B: yes I would like to know very much. Here is what I think ...
M: Thank you. It's good that you have interest, and could even learn from my own personal discussion.
B: There is something scottish or plad about you ...
M: On-point. The "Smiths" of my history migrated from the Norwich area of England and settled into the Loch Lomond area of Scotland. There, they joined with a Scottish clan. The plaid you see is because the "Smith" Tartan is the same as the Scottish clan's Tartan, and there is a strong identity and deep emotions when visiting that area. It should be quickly added, though, that this fraternal side is NOT nearly as intense a driving point when compared to the maternal side. More on that later.
B: I think you have a daughter and you are close to her , but not attached ... however this does not elimanate any true love..in fact I think true love comes without attachment.
M: There were two daughters. The first, died of leukemia at about age 11. That was in 1972, and my mother died about 2 months later, suddenly. The second daughter, is now aged 30.
M: You perception was "on point" again.
B: Well enough of my immagination ... Yours Bob
M: Check your premises: imagination?
B: I must vanish my self doubt.
M: That would be a very good idea!
M: Being able to love, unconditionally, becomes a natural state once the human form is lost. It starts, of course, learning to love oneself unconditionally. Everything initiates from the understanding and acceptance of self. This does not imply, though, that we love everyone unconditionally since the direction applies to those of our choice.
B: And this is funny to me, I thought I was wrong, but at the same time I KNEW you were going to send me a letter telling me I was correct ... and I knew I was correct. So I dont understand where my inability to trust my perceptions is coming from.
M: It's quite probably a pattern that's been around for a very long time. Probably the pattern has something to do with self-denial/perhaps denigration, on self-esteem issues. (Just rattle for you.)
R: Dear Michael
R: You wrote: Simply it means that one gathers a feeling of peace and inner glow, in a manner of speaking.
R: I don't know about the "inner glow" part, but last night I experienced what felt like "gathering a feeling of peace" as I layed in bed intending to stop the flow of disturbing thought, it was quite easy to do when I contemplated, what has become a sort of mantra I've been using: "I am already given to the power that rules my fate and I cling to nothing." I became peaceful to the point where I saw for the first time, a glimpse, and slightly more, of what inner silence is.
M: Congratulations! A very important result!
R: There was then the thought that I may well be, contrary to what I have claimed, afraid of the second attention. And while that thought strikes me as absurd ... well ... it is absurd; but noticing it -- I'd better deal with it. I expect that dealing with it will be by "recalling at another time" (after emailing this to you I will go and "recall" it) the now "'stored' in memory" experience of last night.
M: The 2nd attention is not fearful since it's relatively easy to jump into it or out of it. It must be said, though, that the deeper strata level, just before the bridge to the 3rd attention, is difficult to leave because it's so beautiful, loving and peaceful. The problem is, though, that this can be another trap of dependency. Freedom, per se, is indicative of the ability to move at will through all spans of the attentions.
R: But I've gotten ahead of this report to you. The experience of inner silence was quite wonderful. I imagine that the second attention might begin with that sense sort of locked in place; that is, I suspect that one would experience inner silence as locked in place, rather than as it was for me, a very fringe thing that, almost as soon as I felt it, I realized that the next thought, while trying to fool me into thinking it was coming form inner silence (my way of trying to say all of this) was actually my falling out of inner silence. I realized this because I'd just experienced inner silence and there were no thoughts there. A very strange totally peaceful experience.
M: The "no thoughts" portion of the 2nd attention is necessary to gain the inner peace, even beauty and love, that one must have to gain full coherence. Within that state of being, though, comes energy that is not with "noise" but still with a quiet and kind mind, and then focused intent. At that point, travelling through the attention become enabled and there are 'thoughts' but they are quiet, knowing and loving thoughts, and on simple 'intent', the focus of the intent becomes actualized.
R: I then began to contemplete the use of language and in particular the term "human form dependencies" and how language for me has always been "from" ... something taken from someone else, that is to say, another's speaking, another's verbalizing ... and I wondered then how inner silence would "label" the term I'd borrowed, 'human form dependencies.' Then came to me a new term -- human form r ... I don't now remember it, only that it started with an 'r' and that I then began looking at how my speaking is all from others ... none of it original ... then I recalled my poems of a few years ago and I knew that they were from somewhere else, inner silence perhaps, when I considered what one of them might mean.
M: ... human form regression ... from the state of being that you were immediately before. Of course, in order to regress you had to be in a state above the normal human form, then fell back. (grin) Sort of brings to mind the biblical description of fallen angels, heh heh (see there is some humor in all of this).
Fill me Father, this.
Was once your son
That now knows best.
Could this be you
Upon what rest Beautiful?
M: There is a fine amount of truth in that.
R: And another I've always thought to be so strange:
R: Deserving, dying leaves swell
Big life�s mysteries,
And then,
Into flowers bending
Came love�s gentle flowering,
Came one�s own knowing
Of whom, gentle again,
Own�s knowing oneness was
But gentle kindness flowing.
M: And knowledge yet again ...
R: As I considered the words of those 15 year old writings last night, well, it seems that I have been able to quite my thoughts for quite some time as I've always known that I wrote those by not thinking and letting words pop into my head and just writing down what popped in, or so I've always believed. And yet the second one there seems to have come from terms from metaphysics I'd learned.
M: It has been evident for quite some time that you progress, then fall back and crater in sort of a cyclical pattern. The key emphasis, though, is that you ARE a seeker and you ARE capable, and all that's really needed is to locate the "why" of the regressions and open the door through recapitulation and peace.
R: I've gotten away from the point ... simply that I ought to continue practicing what I did last night ... to "recall" in often.
M: And knowledge will be gained ...
M: The inner glow can become an outer glow by focusing on something that is peaceful and can be contemplated. The outer glow can then be projected further: expansion of the self cocoon.
R: Interesting. Is the outer glow and the inner glow measurable? I don't understand inner-outer glow. Ah, the luminous cocoon spoken of. Is that it?
M: Yes. It is perceptionally measurable, and seeable, and it is intense once released.
R: "Projecting outer glow" sounds like something I might intend to do without understanding what it means ... but then ... well, I did intend to see my hands in dreaming without understanding what that means ... though it was a bit more concrete sounding in that I knew how to look at my hands physically where as I physically have no clue how to project more than my voice. Something to file away under the "tales of power" heading, I suppose.
M: Teasing, it's something like "just do it"!
M: Then, this is all "stored" in memory, and recalled at another time for another purpose. Hope that helps.
R: I see that these experiences are stored in memory and recallable and it's time now to go and recall last night's.
Thank you Rick
M: Peace, Rick ... peace..
M: Love
M: Michael
R: Hi Michael,
R: The don Juan teachings say that it is the spirit, or the intent, the force, that really decides on our decisions and acts?
M:The terms such as "force" or perhaps "lifeforce" and for that matter, "spirit" all tend to be the same. The summation of this is really simple, because it means that "we" ourselves have within an "energy field" and that our consciousness is described by this "energy field". The projection of that part of our "field" that can travel around the planet or into the other attentions, means basically, "transmitting" our field beyond the body, where it is otherwise constrained. When we "travel", or said otherwise, by projection of ourselves beyond the body, we can meet others who have performed similar feats, be they from organic or inorganic origination. The ability to accomplish these feats is propelled by "intent" based on "will". The ability to develop sufficient energy of the "field" itself, that is to say the "focus" that both enhances the field of consciousness to the level that it can remain coherent as it travels (i.e. not dissipate into oblivion - becoming "food for the eagle") AND "project" the field through time and space - the third attention - is the result of "freedom", primarily from the human form, and hence the term "the way of knowledge, is the way to freedom".
M: The spirit, really the linkage of your consciousness to allies that can assist, is never negative although it may be tumultuous as one learns lessons along the way. The "spirit" is really a consortium of field that we may join with. Most that can be so joined, are allies.
R: Michael, I want to understand mathematics. What would you suggest as the way to discover the most direct approach for me to do that.
M: Get a book. It's called "The Emperor's New Mind" by Roger Penrose. Reading this book will determine if you really desire what you report.
R: Hi Michael,
M: Hiya Rick!
R: An interesting chain of events occurred. They are:
R: I wrote to you saying, "I want to understand mathematics. What would you suggest as the way to discover the most direct approach for me to do that."
R: You suggest, again (though it was only somehow familiar that the suggestion was again) that I read The Emperor's New Mind, by Roger Penrose saying, "Reading this book will determine if you really desire what you report.
R: I go to the book store and find The Emperor's New Mind. I read the forward and cover and am excited to be buying it, and then I also find, The Sorcerers' Crossing by Taisha Abelar. With the intent to buy both, I sit down to read from The Sorcerers' Crossing while waiting for my daughter to finish her selections before we head for the cashier.
R: There, I read in Abelar's preface, "Academic training became an integral part of my preparation for the sorcerers' crossing. The leader of the sorcerers' group with whom I am associated, the nagual, as he is called, is a person with a keen interest in formal academic erudition. Hence, all those under his care had to develop their capacity for the abstract, clear thinking that is acquired only in a modern university. ... Also, training the intellect is a bona-fide sorcerers' subterfuge. By deliberately keeping the mind occupied in analysis and reasoning, sorcerers are free to explore, unimpeded, other areas of perception. In other words, while the rational side is busy with the formality of academic pursuits, the energetic or nonrational side, which sorcerers call "the double," is kept occupied with the fulfillment of sorcery tasks. In this way, the suspicious and analytic mind is less likely to interfere or even notice what is going on at a nonrational level."
M: Yes.
R: Having bought both books, I began browsing through The Emperor's New Mind at home and found much information about the Mandelbrot set. That was thrilling as I'd recorded a show in Japan 5 years ago on public television that was all about the Mandelbrot set, complete with the most beautiful computer generated images giving a glimpse of it's infinite ... flow? ... it's infinite ... infiniteness ... But the program had Japanese dubbed over the English and I couldn't quite hear the still-barely-there English underneath, though I'd been able to pick out quite a bit of it by watching and listening over and over as I did. In that I loved the show and have been very curious about what it is all about, I will now find out more! I had searched a couple of times under "fractal geometry" on the Internet, but had not found the Mandelbrot set. I did not know the name "Mandelbrot set" until seeing it in The Emperor's New Mind, but seeing it, recognized that that was what I had "heard" while listening to the Japanese dubbing and the faint English (Now I will search that on the web as I'd still like to find a way to generate it on my computer).
M: There is a photographic book out that shows the "flows" that develop from various mathematical models, including Mandelbrot.
R: But back to the chain of events:
R: I next came upon, again in The Emperor's New Mind, words that I'd first seen in a book I recently started reading, Freeware, by Rudy Rucker. I'd not bothered to look them up, assuming that most were made up words by the science fiction writer. Now, I began reading Freeware before any of the above and considered placing it at the top of the list of interesting events. It's the first science fiction I've started reading in probably 20 years. I'd almost stopped reading it as the second chapter got into some, to me, very-much-wasting-my-time sexual content that I didn't want to wade through but, alas, did. I'm glad for it as I'm enjoying the book greatly (though I could still really do without -- the crudeness throughout -- or so I call it). Freeware is largely about artificial intelligence in Rucker's made up society and how the "A I" guys interact with humans.
R: Finally, on an impulse, I began this morning having my computer read to me my compiled alphabetized paragraphs of your emails to me. The third paragraph was: "Advanced mathematics is only a vocabulary to describe something in a form of shorthand that could be stated with words. You might enjoy reading Roger Penrose's book, "The Emperor's New Mind". In my observation, at some level of advancement, there is little difference conceptually between spatial physics, quantum electrodynamics/mechanics (read: Erwin Schrodinger and Werner Heisenberg, for example) and "the way of knowledge in the form of metaphysics. When Albert Einstein came up first with the "Special Theory of Relativity" he reported that it was based on a vision. At the time, as a matter of well documented record, Einstein did not know any advanced math. He learned math later, as a matter of need to communicate his ideas - after the fact of his ideas."
R: Well, my point with all of this ... interesting chain of events ... I take it as an omen. I look forward to reading Penrose with my, algebra-1-from-high-school, current math level, in order to "determine if (I) really desire what (I) report." I do have a sense of improbability about it all, somehow. But perhaps the book will suggest the answer to my question of where to start, in practice. It does feel like the mountain of sand that I KNOW I must move one grain at a time until it is all moved, and yet ... I don't know, I just don't know what else to do in life that challenges and draws me. I've been told that I am mathematically inclined and that has been my belief too, but I NEVER studied math and therefore, ability or not, I don't know it. Yet I'd truly love to understand what it means for mathematics to be beautiful. I've heard that said about advanced math and it's in my mind like something that must be equal to others not knowing the "smell/taste sense" of color. Others have not even the concept of color beyond seeing it, yet it is there. Is that not akin to mathematical "beauty?" The closest I ever got to it was in, perhaps 7th grade, when we were studying a circle of radius 1 with its center on (0,0) on the Cartesian plain and I realized that all of the facts we were learning from that simple drawing were right there to be extrapolated without any explanation. It was a small thing, but I loved knowing that ... that was exciting to me. I don't feel that about anything else in daily first attention life. I love doing pottery, painting, writing, but it doesn't come close to that feeling of "seeing" the circle.
M: All that I can say here, is that I'm smiling ...
M: It is all connected together. For a time you really seemed to think that abstractions, philosophy, science, metaphysics, mathematics, music, et al, and the impetus to study, understand and flow - were all separate - and perhaps now there is the beginning of recognition that they are not.
R: Now, the piano. Taken from my 7-24 email to you: "I discovered the piano at age 29 when I sat down having never before touched the keys or any musical instrument, and found that the black keys all sounded good together and that excursions into the white keys solicited timing of sorts. I returned with a tape recorder and played of three hours on the second flour of the Ala Moana Hotel at one in the morning in a huge nearly empty lobby. I still like to listen to the tape at times."
R: I am drawn to the piano much as I am to mathematics, oddly, I suspect mathematics and the piano are very much the same and would love to reach the point where I could precisely convert "my" piano to pure mathematics.
M: Yes, they are very similar - once one gets above the tedium of simple "numbers" and flows with concepts. A good analogy re piano would be the dexterity of wrists, hands, and fingers. The mechanics of the human body require "practice" to tune up these mechanical muscle responses and this is called "dexterity", which BTW, is also a DNA inherited trait at the higher levels of performance. In any case, to be proficient at Piano, it is necessary to "get beyond" the simple mechanics of moving fingers, et al. Once that is accomplished through discipline, (practice) then the "music" may flow as an extension of self.
R: I wonder about the relation between music and the sought after unification theory.
M: The "unification" will be found in "strings". The "string set" is a sequential linkage of matter, particles, fields, and the universe itself is founded on immense macro-electromagnetic-strings. At the quantum level "strings" of subatomic movements exist in activity in TEN dimensions, and these are where sentient consciousness is found. The babble in "science" about the "big bang", although populist in astrophysics, seems very human-centric conceptually in it's "violence" mode because it really didn't have to happen that way at all.
M: Most everything has tendrils of interconnection to everything else. It requires a very global/universal view sometimes to see the interconnections. If one is in a tree, studying the leaves of the tree, it is difficult to see what the forest looks like and what it's relevance is to the topology and features that forms the environment of the forest.
R: I like the Sorcerers' Crossing and probably should add it to my compilation. I'm reminded of all the questions I could ask you about the way of knowledge. Like, "How does one find a power spot, and what do you do with it once you've found it.
M: The "spots" are frequently around us, and they are not difficult to find once one recognizes them. They are not quiescent for long periods however, since they have mobility. They are components of what Jacob (renamed to Isreal) saw as energy columns (currently misnamed "Jacob's ladders") as reported in the Old Testament.
R: I recall don Juan saying something about crossing the eyes and "feeling" power spots. I've not bothered much with so many aspects of the teachings, when I think about it. Yet I do feel drawn to those aspects.
M: The crossing eyes idea is only a device to cause "unfocus", but it silly that the eyes have to actually BE crossed to achieve that. It's a device to "see" beyond the tactile first attention.
R: From your last note. Please say more about the interrelatedness of math, the way, and all. Especially more about your statement that, "It is all connected together. For a time you really seemed to think that abstractions, philosophy, science, metaphysics, mathematics, music, et al, and the impetus to study, understand and flow - were all separate - and perhaps now there is the beginning of recognition that they are not."
M: Hummm large subject, and it would probably require many many metaphors, allegories, and analogies to fully describe so here is a quick attempt though it is feared that this will be far too shallow.
M: In any subject there can be a great deal of background to understand to the point where it is comfortable. The "comfort factor" is a varied reality for each person. What this means is that there are two situations working in parallel: the information itself with it's background as precursor; and, the reality of the person having the information downloaded.
M: Start with Philosophy. What drives a person's psychology, assuming that a person is a seeker in any significant manner? ...
R: Do you mean what drives how they think, their thought processes? Is that what you mean by a person's psychology?
M: Yes, with elaboration. "How they think" has several different components: how they process information/data; in what style and manner CAN they even "receive" the data. These two interact because sometimes the data form that they "receive" impacts the "manner" in which the data is processed. The manner in which the data is processed also impacts the conclusions that are eventually yielded. Acting in the role of a teacher, it is incumbent on the teacher to constantly modify his/her style and approach to each student on a one:one basis, because each person in their own realities are able to "receive" information (get it into their processing system called the brain and memory) at significantly different rates.
M: ... The Philosophy that a person finds by imprint, experiment, or "knowledge" however gained, drives a person's psychology. ...
R: What do you mean "by imprint?" Touch a hot stove and learn about hot, I suppose.
M: Yes, however, it also means impact of parents for example. What "imprints" a person? Usually "striking" experiences. Some are tactile, some are emotional, but they are "striking".
M: ... What drives a person's emotions? ...
R: "Drives?" Are emotions driven?
M: Of course emotions are driven. Think of any "reflex" emotion that you carry around with you, emphasis on "any and reflex". These emotions are usually simply old emotions that are stored in memory from old experiences. These old emotions provoke "flash" or impulse or reflex duplicates of themselves when something occurs that "triggers" (or drives) them into re-creation.
M: ... Psychology drives emotions and that is interconnected to philosophy. ...
R: By drives you mean: what produces a persons emotions? How? How is it interconnected? Like philosophy and psychology rolling down the hill together gathering the snow of experience-belief-experience-belief, and on and on? I suppose so.
M: Yes. What changes the pattern after it's established? Inquiry changes the pattern. This happens when a person states to self "I want out of this mode". So, the beginning of a philosophical change starts at that point.
M: ... What drives a direction of musical communication, or poetry (a different expression of the same thing) in a person? Psychology as a derivative from philosophy, yet again makes a large formative piece of these components. What fundamentally imprints a TREND of philosophy, that in turn drives psychology, into a person? The TREND, meaning the direction, is a formative process that starts with a person's DNA. ...
R: Oh? I've not questioned this before. Okay, I will accept it as a postulate.
M: Humans all have "trends", or otherwise stated, preferential directions. Some have high musical ability intrinsically and that is formed by DNA. Others couldn't carry a tune for anything, but still have emotional responses to music. Others "have" to hear the sounds of (what is to me) "angry" music like "heavy metal", while others love soft melodic tones, as a preferential trend. Others like very complicated and abstract sounds, and the more complicated, the more mathematical they become. Others who have no performance skills in music, and can never have by virtue of physical attributes (like ability to improve dexterity beyond a point) may have the "soul" of music but express it in writing/poetry, for example. You don't have to take this as axiomatic, like most things it's simple.
M: ... Where did the DNA come from? Parents provided the organic DNA, and that DNA, and all cells of the parents bodies and all of their organisms evolved to form each person. What are the components of the DNA and all of the organisms of each person? Sub-atomic particles that are and were contained in and about Planet Earth, makes these structures. Where did the subatomic particles come from? The Universe provided the particles AND the energy fields that surround them. How long have these fields and elements been available to organize and evolve? Forever: they are as timeless as the universe itself. Didn't these come from the rather short-timed formation of the Earth? Only indirectly, with the Earth as a repository of elements and fields that were sourced forever. What about music and math? Any musical expression has a mathematical analogy, and any musical scale or intonation can be written as a sequence of mathematical numbers. How can one know that this seemingly unlikely situation is true? ...
R: It doesn't seem at all unlikely to me, I've long known/believed that everything could be expressed mathematically. That became appearent to me when I saw my first equation for a line. I insinctively then knew that every single bit of the physical world in unlimited complexity could be represented mathematically ... or rather ... WAS represented mathematically, whether it was discovered yet or not.
M: The point was actually covered a long time ago in our dialogs: mathematics is only a form of vocabulary for describing something.
M: ... Listen to any CD of music. Every musical expression on a CD in every detail, is a numerical coding of the sounds quite literally expressed in binary numbers. These numbers in coded sequence are decoded into an analogue form for humans to hear through the equipment and circuits. What energy form does this process use? The energy process involves moving about fields and electrons in the equipment. ...
R: I don't know what "fields" are, but it's okay. No need to change the subject.
M: The fields are energy that move and direct the electrons, and that hold all matter together.
M: ... Does the equipment manufacture these fields and electrons in it's circuitry?...
R: I'm not stupid.
M: Strange response. Really strange. Seems like one of those "reflexes" expressing itself.
M: ... No, the equipment simply moves about, channels and directs, electron movement, with electrons being primary subatomic particles that were sourced from the universe itself and stored in materials upon the surface of the Earth and coalesced into circuits that were setup through development to function in an organized manner. Some of these subatomic energies, such as electrons, are currently used to store and cause analogue auditory music to occur, others are used to result is structures and some of these are organic entities, termed "humans".
R: Oh, Okay, I see. You were just making the point that everything is related. Well then, I'm afraid you made too big of a jump back up there so I'll paste where I see that and start again:
M: Hummm.
R: You said, "What drives a direction of musical communication, or poetry (a different expression of the same thing) in a person? Psychology as a derivative from philosophy, yet again makes a large formative piece of these components."
R: Key words are "a large formative piece" ... maybe, maybe not. What is a large formative piece? But, lets consider that "Psychology as a derivative from philosophy" drives no part of music or poetry at a certain level of music and poetry. Sure, if you call poetry, "I like my mom, she's so fine, she taught me stuff right down the line." I can see the psychology in that. But what about "Deserving dying leaves swell sweet life's mysteries?" Where did that come from. Certainly it has nothing to do with philosophy or psychology or thinking at all. And I would argue the same for inspired music wherever it is found. No, you can't jump the interconnected line onto inspiration. That comes from somewhere else. Thank you, Michael Rick
M: The two examples that you related above are only different by the meaning of the depth to you, as an observer. Parable: One man, upon seeing the Grand Canyon at Sunrise for the first time, dropped to his knees and reverently bowed his head in deep prayer thanking the deity for the beauty of the moment. A second man upon seeing the same scene stood harshly, threw his hat down to the ground, placed his fists on each side of his waist, elbows out, and said, "Well, goddamned!". Both men experienced exactly the same emotion.
R: I still don't see the connection to "everything being related" ... unless ... are you saying simply that ... "everything is related" like bacon is bacon.
R: Hi Michael,
R: I just worked more on understanding some of these more recent things and it follows:
R: for background on what I go into, two pieces:
R: 1) M: It is all connected together. For a time you really seemed to think that abstractions, philosophy, science, metaphysics, mathematics, music, et al, and the impetus to study, understand and flow - were all separate - and perhaps now there is the beginning of recognition that they are not.
R: 2) M: Yes, with elaboration. "How they think" has several different components: how they process information/data; in what style and manner CAN they even "receive" the data. These two interact because sometimes the data form that they "receive" impacts the "manner" in which the data is processed. The manner in which the data is processed also impacts the conclusions that are eventually yielded. Acting in the role of a teacher, it is incumbent on the teacher to constantly modify his/her style and approach to each student on a one:one basis, because each person in their own realities are able to "receive" information (get it into their processing system called the brain and memory) at significantly different rates.
R: This sounds a bit like baby sitting to me. The student should be taught how to listen and ask questions, then the teacher wouldn't have to worry about "significantly different rates." I would think.
M: That might be ideal, and from the "efficient teacher's" point of view it might even be the axiom, but there's a good chance that this manner of thinking about "teacher's approach" is exactly what is wrong with the school system. More below.
R: Then I would say that the only thing incumbent on the teacher is to teach. I think this really points out a great missing in our school system. Kids are not taught how to think and so the teachers end up thinking that it is incumbent on them to, what I'd call, baby-sit. I suppose I've been guilty of not thinking many times when you write. I will do better!
M: The responsibility, ultimately, is something that has to be shared. For a "teacher" to have an unchanging routine and approach basically says that 'all humans are the same and learn at the same rate from the same source with the same impetus and stimulus. Hooey.
M: If the student chooses not to think, then it is incumbent on the teacher not to waste his/her time and energy - after a point of effort. That effort, though, is and can never be "baby sitting". The teacher must, in order to be effective, use several devices and approaches toward students or the teacher assumes the arrogance of self-importance and becomes ineffective.
M: Yes, there are times when you wrap yourself so protectedly into questions, that you don't process the information to the point of expanding on the concepts related. The approach toward processing data is to not re-ask the question when it is not understood, but rather to make a list, mental or written, about "where" the subject is attempting to go through expansion or extrapolation, and in that manner ask a "forward-thinking" question. The learning curve is propelled through this more efficiently.
R: But, I'd say, actually, I'd rather be scolded and told to pay attention or piss off that to have a teacher think that they needed to adjust down or up with their explanations.
M: There is a point, call it a cross-over, where the teacher might have to do this. In my case, I have actually done this with you but you didn't notice it because it was subtle, and you made adjustments. A long time ago we discussed the need based on impeccability not to waste energy, teacher or otherwise. You "have" made adjustments in your approach to me.
R: It should be incumbent on the student to listen and not incumbent on the teacher to adjust their teaching to a students attention.
M: Humm. "Should be". By some infallible standard based on some infallible reality?
M: Yes, the student needs to listen, and work at processing the information. No question. That, though, cannot be taken in isolation.
R: Honestly, it sounds a little new age psychobabble-ish to me to be talking about "in what style and manner CAN they even "receive" the data. These two interact ... " It really sounds like being suckered into thinking that you have to deal with irresponsible listening as if irresponsible listening wasn't the poor kids fault -- so we have to adjust our teaching for poor little Bobby because he listens different than the other kids. Boy, isn't that about the way of the new age educators in this country. But it is wrong.
M: It is quite obvious that you didn't get the point, or you wouldn't have written this.
R: Bobby never learned how to listen.
M: And we can only wonder "why" Bobby never learned to listen ...
R: Period. So grab him (figuratively), tell him that fact, teach him how to listen, and get back to teaching instead of screwing little Bobby with what is really condescension, even though it's not viewed that way.
M: Bobby can never learn to listen if he isn't motivated. Listening first comes from within, philosophy drives psychology, even though Bobby might not realize he has adopted the ego-driven philosophy of "not listening". If the teacher attempts to approach Bobby exactly in the same manner that he/she approaches a willing, eager, motivated, bright, student, then Bobby will never have the opportunity to alter his approach. If after using a few reasonable devices the teacher comes to the conclusion that Bobby is "eagle food", then the teacher has met his/her need for impeccability and viola! Bobby is probably eagle food. The teacher must ascertain that outcome in probability for himself.
R: I mean if you start explaining Maclaurin's series to someone who isn't at that level of understanding, they should tell you after your first sentence, "stop, if you really think I need to learn this then there is a whole bunch of basics I need to learn first." Now it's no longer incumbent on the teacher to evaluate the students learning ability. Wow, what freedom for teachers ... responsible students! What a concept -- I wonder if it will ever catch hold?
M: True enough.
M: The two examples that you related above are only different by the meaning of the depth to you, as an observer. Parable: One man, upon seeing the Grand Canyon at Sunrise for the first time, dropped to his knees and reverently bowed his head in deep prayer thanking the deity for the beauty of the moment. A second man upon seeing the same scene stood harshly, threw his hat down to the ground, placed his fists on each side of his waist, elbows out, and said, "Well, goddamned!". Both men experienced exactly the same emotion.
R: Another thing I do is to rush replys sometimes with the notion that there is too much to do. So let me take more time again with the following.
R: You said, "The two examples that you related above are only different by the meaning of the depth to you, as an observer."
R: "by the meaning of the depth" hmmmm, the meaning of the depth to me. I'm looking at one case as being a flow from the spirit and one case as being a flow from imprinted experience. Like the poets problem of not being able to write an original thought. I think it was E.E. Cummings who said something about that in a letter he wrote to a college student who'd written to him asking about becoming a poet. Cummings wrote back and suggested that the student do something easy, "like learning to blow up the world," unless the student was willing to work and struggle for years to the point where if he, after years and years of struggle, could finally write one line of poetry he "would be very lucky, indeed." I took that as akin to following the way of knowledge and the one line after years was when the student was finally able to get out of the -- life-as-imprint-regurgitating -- bin.
R: Maybe I'm still missing your point, maybe the key words are "to you, as an observer." How about; to me, as the one receiving the flow from the spirit, rather than; to me, as the one spitting back imprint. In these two cases, it seems to me that to talk about a difference in how I hold the depth of each case is fine, that is placing both back into the imprint bin in the sense that I can't "view" inspiration. But back on the experiential level of not me as the observer but rather me as the one having the experience, the better point, as I see it, is not how I hold the imprint of each case, that is the after-the-fact imprint bin, but rather ... one is describable/understandable and one is only able to be speculated about after the fact. Again, it then is also describable/understandable form an observational point of view. But what about the actual real time experience of the spirit, the second attention, the third attention, isn't that totally separate from the imprint bin? This started with my saying that it is too big a jump to go from imprint based thought; psychology, philosophy -- relationships of our expressing ourselves -- to a relationship/connectedness where our expressing ourselves is from the spirit, from inspiration.
R: But maybe it is "bacon is bacon" ... somehow, I don't think so. Or at least, I still don't see the connection. I see that I am being taught to open my connection to the spirit so it could then be argued that the connection is already there. I believe that, fine, then bacon is bacon and everything is connected. Is this fate we are talking about somehow. That just occurred to me out of thinking about the first part of this all, your saying "It is all connected together. For a time you really seemed to think that abstractions, philosophy, science, metaphysics, mathematics, music, et al, and the impetus to study, understand and flow - were all separate - and perhaps now there is the beginning of recognition that they are not."
R: Working for Peace - Rick
M: You are encouraged to contemplate all of the above further. Perhaps it would be of assistance for you to disentangle each component of the thoughts then expand each thought as extensions, then see if after they are extended if they still match in the manner you have concluded to this point.
M: And peace can be yours ...
M: Michael
R: Hi Michael, I was thinking that I don't thank you for your time enough, I do thank you so much for your time.
M: You're welcome!
The Teachings of don Juan
A Separate Reality
Journey to Ixtlan
Tales Of Power
The Second Ring of Power
The Eagle's Gift
The Fire From Within
The Power of Silence
The Art of Dreaming
The Active Side of Infinity
Appendix A thru E
Dialogue on the Way of Knowledge - Part l
Dialogue on the Way of Knowledge - Part ll
Dialogue on the Way of Knowledge - Part lll
Dialogue on the Way of Knowledge - Part lV
Dialogue on the Way of Knowledge - Part V
Dialogue on the Way of Knowledge - Part Vl
Dialogue on the Way of Knowledge - Part Vll
Dialogue on the Way of Knowledge - Part VllI
Please send e-mail to me by clicking on my name.Rick Mace
My pottery page is here. Rick Mace Pottery
